How to Stay Sane and Still Get Your Shopping Done

Are you entertained by commercials on television this time of year? Do you believe that you or any of your friends are going to find a new car in their driveway on Christmas morning? Well I have to be truthful you may as well stop reading right here.

If on the other hand you believe that Christmas is about giving and receiving something thoughtful, a bit useful and not terribly expensive, this blog entry might be for you. I thought this week I would share some ideas from Christmas past and Christmas present. What does it have to do with health? IMO, a few more gift ideas just has to put your mind to rest rather like a cooling yoga position or a Reiki session, so let’s get started.

Boots/Booties from New Zealand

We were out in a snowstorm this weekend with a 7 month old baby who wasn’t really dressed for the weather. However, on his fabulous little feet there were some almost too small booties that kept his feet warm and dry. When we got home and everyone thawed and dripped dry a request was made for some new booties that our little guy could grow in to and I knew just where to go to find the perfect pair. Kiwi Sheepskins.

The Kiwi Sheepskins company carries a wide range of sheepskin boots and slippers. I have ordered from them before and even blogged about the company prior to this. I have always been very pleased with their products but even more pleased with their service. I love that  all their products are sourced from New Zealand raised sheep and are manufactured right there in New Zealand.

I knew all I had to do was type in Kiwi Sheepskins and presto change-o that particular request would be fulfilled. In 15 minutes I had ordered the cutest baby boots  and the price was right at $36.50 which included air shipment. 15 minutes later I got a notice saying they had been shipped (the beauty of shopping in a time zone that is already working on their next day).

Best Little Pizza Pan

Years ago I made a lot of pizza and my crusts were always just that little bit soggy and not crisp to bite in to. I still make pizza but now my crusts are really quite tasty and never soggy. I credit this to my Sassafras Deep Dish Pizza Baker and I now have one on order to give as a gift.

I am always trying to find bakeware that isn’t lined with Teflon nor made of aluminum or metal in general, so this stoneware pan is ideal. My crusts never stick to the pan and they bake to perfection. (Note: We tend to like thick crust pizza, so if you are a thin crust pizza person this may not be for you as this is a pan not a stone.)

There is a downside, it is made in Taiwan but if you like to bake your own creations at home and fill a pizza crust full of home grown veggies and top it with grass fed raw milk cheese I can highly recommend this pan for you or as a gift for someone who has a passion for cooking at home.

Green Toys

With a new grandson to share our Christmas festivities my daughter and I are all about gifts for Odin. Knowing he will only be 8 months old at Christmastime most gifts will really be for Mommy but for fun a toy or two seemed a great idea. Both my daughter and I avoid toys with BPA or other materials that we wouldn’t want in Odin’s mouth and she found these great little trucks and building blocks on that, get this, are even made in the USA.

I ordered the building blocks and a red dump truck but I love the green recycling truck and I may not be able to resist. What do you think? Are two trucks two too many?

Last But Not Least

My Christmas gift from the spousal unit this year was a new iPhone (our old phones were 6 years old). I found an inexpensive case on ebay to protect it from rough surfaces but it just didn’t feel very well protected until today. I found the perfect little case for it at my local co-op, River Market, but you can buy them at Sahalie, an online catalog site that is part of the Norm Thompson group of online catalogs.

They are from Nepal and made by a cooperative of Nepalese women who are fairly paid for their time and effort. These cute little Kathmandu Cell Phone Kovers are not only functional but colorful and pleasant to carry on your shoulder. My co-op supports this group of enterprising women and they make hats, mittens, headbands, scarves, leg warmers, and even adorable finger puppets.

If you have a need for an inexpensive but useful gift for the women in your life (sorry guys) this adorable little case protects and carries your iPhone easily and would also make a great little bag to carry a few dollars or a credit card in when you want to be unencumbered by a heavy purse.

Remember to Breathe

Now with four new and unique ideas to add to your holiday gift list ideas you have some relaxation arsenal right at your fingertips. There is no reason to get caught up in that December craziness and no reason to fret. If despite my gift ideas you start to feel that inner frenzy begin, just take a deep breath to the count of 10, filling your belly from the bottom to the top until your diaphragm expands. Hold for a count of 8, and slowly release pushing all the air out. Feel better? If not do it again until you feel a sense of relaxation and clear headed relief.

See I told you this blog was to do with your good health.

Remember to breathe and see you next week,


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